Thursday, June 5, 2008

Don't Fall Victim to Credit Card Scams

We all know that there are various scams in operation these days relating to credit cards, ranging from scams to get your details in order to access your credit card account to scams to get you to take out a credit card that you didn't want and never even applied for. The latter is a scam that has recently come to light in a report.

A woman was found to have obtained basic personal details from people under false pretences. She then added some made up details in order to pass off the people as credit card applicants. The reason behind the scam was that the woman worked for a firm hired by a major credit card company, and the firm was paid based on the number of new applicants it secured for credit cards.

The woman had been questioning people about seemingly innocent matters, such as their holidays, armed with a clipboard, telling them that they would be entered into a prize draw for their time. She then made up account details and other details and submitted their personal data for a credit card, which was duly dispatched to them. Whilst the woman was fired from her job consumers are urged to bear in mind how easy it can be for people to operate these scams.

Many consumers fall victim to scams like these. One of the people that received an unexpected credit card as part of this recent operation said that he was approached and asked some basic questions about his holiday, which he was happy to answer. He said: "There was never a word said about credit cards. This woman in her thirties came up to me as I was sitting waiting for my flight and said she was simply doing a survey. It was early in the morning and I was half-asleep but I helped her. I know 100 per cent she never once said she was touting for credit card business."

This shows that not all credit card scams are about obtaining your money - some are about obtaining your business, and without due care and attention with regards to why the person needs your details you could find yourself signing up for credit that you don't need or want.

Remember to keep up to date with the latest credit card news and guides and compare credit card companies to make sure you've got the best deal for you.

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About the Author:

Reno Charlton, award-winning writer, shares her financial expertise as a contributing columnist for Credit Card Comparison where you can keep up to date with the latest credit card news and guides and compare credit card best buys .

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