Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Government Tries to Help Those in Foreclosure - But How?

If lawmakers are going to provide a lifepreserver in the mortgage crisis, homeowners could be waiting a while. Even if the proposals now being discussed pass in both houses, the bills' differences are great enough that bringing them together into one plan could take weeks.

Even with a single document agreed to by both houses and parties, there's no guarantee that President Bush would sign off on it.

If there is a veto in the works, that means it's back to the drawing board for everyone. This week, they're burning the midnight oil to create legislation that the President might be able to sign.

People are looking to Washington for answers in time to save their homes. Legislators have to realize that a solution must be created. Without one, it could be a long election season for some.

For the full story click here.

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